In 1999 he graduated in dentistry and in 2004 in medicine at the KUL (Katholieke universiteit Leuven).
Between 2004 and 2009 he specialized in neurology. During this training he worked in the Onze Lieve Vrouw ziekenhuis in Aalst and in the university hospital in Leuven, with special trainings in child neurology and neurosurgery.
Since 2009 he is working as a neurologist in the GZA hospitals in Antwerp and in the DLO in Lier. Since September 2020 he also works at neuropraktijk in Deurne.
He works as a general neurologist with special interest in headache/migraine. He’s also MS expert and is acquainted with botulinum toxin injection techniques.
Patients can be served in Dutch, French, English and Polish.
Scientific publications
- Prospective, open-label study of intravenous VPA as a second-line anti-epileptic drug in the treatment of status epilepticus. Abstract in Epilepsia Vol 45, Suppl. 3, 2004; 82.
- Tijd voor een herevaluatie van het beleid bij angionegatieve SAB? Tijdschrift voor neurologie en neurochirurgie, vol 109, nr2, 2008; 88)
- Neurodegenerative parkinsonism and progressive external ophthalmoplegia with a Twinkle mutation. Movement Disorders Vol 24 (2) 2009; p 308
- Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesias due to recurrent hypoglycaemia caused by an insulinoma. Movement Disorders Vol 24 (3) 2009; p 460
- Migraine presenting as chronic facial pain. Acta Neurologica Belgica Vol 109/3 2009, N°3; p 235 - 237.
- Acute neuropathie in het kader van het churg-strausssyndroom. Tijdschr Neurol en Neurochir 2012;113:245-50
- Metastasering van het diffuus grootcellig B-cel non-hodgkinlymfoom naar het centrale zenuwstelsel. Tijdschrift voor neurologie en neurochirurgie vol 115, nr2, 2014, p196

Dr. Frederik Debruyne
GZA ziekenhuizen:
For consultations in
(GZA Ziekenhuizen) campus Sint-Augustinus
(GZA Ziekenhuizen) campus Sint-Jozef
(GZA Ziekenhuizen) campus Sint-Vincentius
call 03 443 3607 or via
For consultations in DLO Lier:
call 03 480 35 98 or via
For consultations in Deurne: